I do a lot of sketching and stuff, and am aiming to post more of it on here. This one’s a concept for the living area of a yacht.

I didn’t get very far on that puzzle game I was prototyping, so it’s time for plan B – another platformer. I’m aiming for this to be a free PC game, like the good old days! I’ve got a devlog set up on the TIGSource forums where I’ll attempt to keep track of progress, if […]

Trixie has clearly been working on her tan.

8 Bit Horse recently did a startingly detailed feature on Treasure Treasure and my previous games! 8 Bit Horse: Treasure Treasure It was part of a whole week of Xbox Live Indie Games features so it’s naturally worth a look. 8 Bit Horse: XBLIG Week

Trixie and Troy need to combine their talents, think carefully and blow things up to find all the treasures – then another treasure – hidden in an abandoned castle.

Treasure Treasure: FFEE is now available on the Xbox Live marketplace, in the Indie Games section! Here is a link. There’s also a trailer:

With any luck Treasure Treasure: FFEE will be out on Xbox Live Indie Games pretty soon. To celebrate here are some more screenies, you lucky people!

It’s like fan art, but better, because it’s friend art! This was kindly drawn by my friend Matt, talented animator but more importantly the creator of the Animal on Animal blog. Trixie has all the important Trixie details, and Troy has his beard and grumpiness – perfect! Ta Matt.

So UpBot will be finished at some point in the future – but in the meantime I’m making an Xbox Live Indie Games version of Treasure Treasure! It’s a fairly straightforward port, no fancy colours or HD remix or anything, but as the name suggests there will be one or two extra bits. Here’s the […]

Having not done much recently I thought this little project would be fun. I got the old images and data from Treasure Treasure and created a massive map of the whole game. Well it turns out it’s not that massive – 1280 by 800 which is only slightly bigger than 720p HD. Click for full […]

For an art attack thing at work. The theme was “cold”. A bit of pixelart and a drawing.

A sort of 3D diorama based on Treasure Treasure: Fortress Forage, just for fun.

Trixie and Troy need to combine their talents, think carefully and blow things up to find all the treasures hidden in an abandoned castle.